We apologize for this temporary unavailability.
'. 'Thank you for your understanding.

'), 20); } else { __error(__('Unable to connect to database') ,$e->getCode() == 0 ? sprintf(__('

This either means that the username and password information in '. 'your config.php file is incorrect or we can\'t contact '. 'the database server at "%s". This could mean your '. 'host\'s database server is down.

'. ''. '

If you\'re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact '. 'your host. If you still need help you can always visit the '. 'Dotclear Support Forums.

'). (DC_DEBUG ? __('The following error was encountered while trying to read the database:').'

' : '') ,(DC_DBHOST != '' ? DC_DBHOST : 'localhost') ) : '' ,20); } } # If we have some __top_behaviors, we load them if (isset($__top_behaviors) && is_array($__top_behaviors)) { foreach ($__top_behaviors as $b) { $core->addBehavior($b[0],$b[1]); } unset($b); } http::trimRequest(); try { http::unsetGlobals(); } catch (Exception $e) { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $e->getMessage(); exit; } $core->url->registerDefault(array('dcUrlHandlers','home')); $core->url->registerError(array('dcUrlHandlers','default404')); $core->url->register('lang','','^([a-zA-Z]{2}(?:-[a-z]{2})?(?:/page/[0-9]+)?)$',array('dcUrlHandlers','lang')); $core->url->register('post','post','^post/(.+)$',array('dcUrlHandlers','post')); $core->url->register('preview','preview','^preview/(.+)$',array('dcUrlHandlers','preview')); $core->url->register('category','category','^category/(.+)$',array('dcUrlHandlers','category')); $core->url->register('archive','archive','^archive(/.+)?$',array('dcUrlHandlers','archive')); $core->url->register('feed','feed','^feed/(.+)$',array('dcUrlHandlers','feed')); $core->url->register('trackback','trackback','^trackback/(.+)$',array('dcUrlHandlers','trackback')); $core->url->register('rsd','rsd','^rsd$',array('dcUrlHandlers','rsd')); $core->url->register('xmlrpc','xmlrpc','^xmlrpc/(.+)$',array('dcUrlHandlers','xmlrpc')); $core->setPostType('post','post.php?id=%d',$core->url->getURLFor('post','%s')); # Store upload_max_filesize in bytes $u_max_size = files::str2bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $p_max_size = files::str2bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); if ($p_max_size < $u_max_size) { $u_max_size = $p_max_size; } define('DC_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE',$u_max_size); unset($u_max_size); unset($p_max_size); # Shutdown register_shutdown_function('__shutdown'); function __shutdown() { global $__shutdown; if (is_array($__shutdown)) { foreach ($__shutdown as $f) { if (is_callable($f)) { call_user_func($f); } } } # Explicitly close session before DB connection try { if (session_id()) { session_write_close(); } } catch (Exception $e) {} $GLOBALS['core']->con->close(); } function __error($summary,$message,$code=0) { # Error codes # 10 : no config file # 20 : database issue # 30 : blog is not defined # 40 : template files creation # 50 : no default theme # 60 : template processing error # 70 : blog is offline if (CLI_MODE) { trigger_error($summary,E_USER_ERROR); exit(1); } else { if (defined('DC_ERRORFILE') && is_file(DC_ERRORFILE)) { include DC_ERRORFILE; } else { include dirname(__FILE__).'/core_error.php'; } exit; } } function init_prepend_l10n() { # Loading locales for detected language $dlang = http::getAcceptLanguages(); foreach($dlang as $l) { if ($l == 'en' || l10n::set(dirname(__FILE__).'/../locales/'.$l.'/main') !== false) { break; } } } ?>