auth->getOption('post_format'); $post_password = ''; $post_url = ''; $post_lang = $core->auth->getInfo('user_lang'); $post_title = ''; $post_excerpt = ''; $post_excerpt_xhtml = ''; $post_content = ''; $post_content_xhtml = ''; $post_notes = ''; $post_status = $core->auth->getInfo('user_post_status'); $post_selected = false; $post_open_comment = $core->blog->settings->system->allow_comments; $post_open_tb = $core->blog->settings->system->allow_trackbacks; $page_title = __('New entry'); $can_view_page = true; $can_edit_post = $core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin',$core->blog->id); $can_publish = $core->auth->check('publish,contentadmin',$core->blog->id); $can_delete = false; $post_headlink = ''; $post_link = '%s'; $next_link = $prev_link = $next_headlink = $prev_headlink = null; # If user can't publish if (!$can_publish) { $post_status = -2; } # Getting categories $categories_combo = array(' ' => ''); try { $categories = $core->blog->getCategories(array('post_type'=>'post')); while ($categories->fetch()) { $categories_combo[] = new formSelectOption( str_repeat('  ',$categories->level-1).($categories->level-1 == 0 ? '' : '• ').html::escapeHTML($categories->cat_title), $categories->cat_id ); } } catch (Exception $e) { } # Status combo foreach ($core->blog->getAllPostStatus() as $k => $v) { $status_combo[$v] = (string) $k; } $img_status_pattern = '%1$s'; # Formaters combo foreach ($core->getFormaters() as $v) { $formaters_combo[$v] = $v; } # Languages combo $rs = $core->blog->getLangs(array('order'=>'asc')); $all_langs = l10n::getISOcodes(0,1); $lang_combo = array('' => '', __('Most used') => array(), __('Available') => l10n::getISOcodes(1,1)); while ($rs->fetch()) { if (isset($all_langs[$rs->post_lang])) { $lang_combo[__('Most used')][$all_langs[$rs->post_lang]] = $rs->post_lang; unset($lang_combo[__('Available')][$all_langs[$rs->post_lang]]); } else { $lang_combo[__('Most used')][$rs->post_lang] = $rs->post_lang; } } unset($all_langs); unset($rs); # Validation flag $bad_dt = false; # Get entry informations if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $page_title = __('Edit entry'); $params['post_id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; $post = $core->blog->getPosts($params); if ($post->isEmpty()) { $core->error->add(__('This entry does not exist.')); $can_view_page = false; } else { $post_id = $post->post_id; $cat_id = $post->cat_id; $post_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i',strtotime($post->post_dt)); $post_format = $post->post_format; $post_password = $post->post_password; $post_url = $post->post_url; $post_lang = $post->post_lang; $post_title = $post->post_title; $post_excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; $post_excerpt_xhtml = $post->post_excerpt_xhtml; $post_content = $post->post_content; $post_content_xhtml = $post->post_content_xhtml; $post_notes = $post->post_notes; $post_status = $post->post_status; $post_selected = (boolean) $post->post_selected; $post_open_comment = (boolean) $post->post_open_comment; $post_open_tb = (boolean) $post->post_open_tb; $can_edit_post = $post->isEditable(); $can_delete= $post->isDeletable(); $next_rs = $core->blog->getNextPost($post,1); $prev_rs = $core->blog->getNextPost($post,-1); if ($next_rs !== null) { $next_link = sprintf($post_link,$next_rs->post_id, html::escapeHTML($next_rs->post_title),__('Next entry').' »'); $next_headlink = sprintf($post_headlink,'next', html::escapeHTML($next_rs->post_title),$next_rs->post_id); } if ($prev_rs !== null) { $prev_link = sprintf($post_link,$prev_rs->post_id, html::escapeHTML($prev_rs->post_title),'« '.__('Previous entry')); $prev_headlink = sprintf($post_headlink,'previous', html::escapeHTML($prev_rs->post_title),$prev_rs->post_id); } try { $core->media = new dcMedia($core); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } } # Format excerpt and content if (!empty($_POST) && $can_edit_post) { $post_format = $_POST['post_format']; $post_excerpt = $_POST['post_excerpt']; $post_content = $_POST['post_content']; $post_title = $_POST['post_title']; $cat_id = (integer) $_POST['cat_id']; if (isset($_POST['post_status'])) { $post_status = (integer) $_POST['post_status']; } if (empty($_POST['post_dt'])) { $post_dt = ''; } else { try { $post_dt = strtotime($_POST['post_dt']); if ($post_dt == false || $post_dt == -1) { $bad_dt = true; throw new Exception(__('Invalid publication date')); } $post_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i',$post_dt); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } $post_open_comment = !empty($_POST['post_open_comment']); $post_open_tb = !empty($_POST['post_open_tb']); $post_selected = !empty($_POST['post_selected']); $post_lang = $_POST['post_lang']; $post_password = !empty($_POST['post_password']) ? $_POST['post_password'] : null; $post_notes = $_POST['post_notes']; if (isset($_POST['post_url'])) { $post_url = $_POST['post_url']; } $core->blog->setPostContent( $post_id,$post_format,$post_lang, $post_excerpt,$post_excerpt_xhtml,$post_content,$post_content_xhtml ); } # Delete post if (!empty($_POST['delete']) && $can_delete) { try { # --BEHAVIOR-- adminBeforePostDelete $core->callBehavior('adminBeforePostDelete',$post_id); $core->blog->delPost($post_id); http::redirect('posts.php'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Create or update post if (!empty($_POST) && !empty($_POST['save']) && $can_edit_post && !$bad_dt) { # Create category if (!empty($_POST['new_cat_title']) && $core->auth->check('categories', $core->blog->id)) { $cur_cat = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix.'category'); $cur_cat->cat_title = $_POST['new_cat_title']; $cur_cat->cat_url = ''; $parent_cat = !empty($_POST['new_cat_parent']) ? $_POST['new_cat_parent'] : ''; # --BEHAVIOR-- adminBeforeCategoryCreate $core->callBehavior('adminBeforeCategoryCreate', $cur_cat); $cat_id = $core->blog->addCategory($cur_cat, (integer) $parent_cat); # --BEHAVIOR-- adminAfterCategoryCreate $core->callBehavior('adminAfterCategoryCreate', $cur_cat, $cat_id); } $cur = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix.'post'); $cur->post_title = $post_title; $cur->cat_id = ($cat_id ? $cat_id : null); $cur->post_dt = $post_dt ? date('Y-m-d H:i:00',strtotime($post_dt)) : ''; $cur->post_format = $post_format; $cur->post_password = $post_password; $cur->post_lang = $post_lang; $cur->post_title = $post_title; $cur->post_excerpt = $post_excerpt; $cur->post_excerpt_xhtml = $post_excerpt_xhtml; $cur->post_content = $post_content; $cur->post_content_xhtml = $post_content_xhtml; $cur->post_notes = $post_notes; $cur->post_status = $post_status; $cur->post_selected = (integer) $post_selected; $cur->post_open_comment = (integer) $post_open_comment; $cur->post_open_tb = (integer) $post_open_tb; if (isset($_POST['post_url'])) { $cur->post_url = $post_url; } # Update post if ($post_id) { try { # --BEHAVIOR-- adminBeforePostUpdate $core->callBehavior('adminBeforePostUpdate',$cur,$post_id); $core->blog->updPost($post_id,$cur); # --BEHAVIOR-- adminAfterPostUpdate $core->callBehavior('adminAfterPostUpdate',$cur,$post_id); http::redirect('post.php?id='.$post_id.'&upd=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } else { $cur->user_id = $core->auth->userID(); try { # --BEHAVIOR-- adminBeforePostCreate $core->callBehavior('adminBeforePostCreate',$cur); $return_id = $core->blog->addPost($cur); # --BEHAVIOR-- adminAfterPostCreate $core->callBehavior('adminAfterPostCreate',$cur,$return_id); http::redirect('post.php?id='.$return_id.'&crea=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } } # Getting categories $categories_combo = array(__('(No cat)') => ''); try { $categories = $core->blog->getCategories(array('post_type'=>'post')); if (!$categories->isEmpty()) { while ($categories->fetch()) { $catparents_combo[] = $categories_combo[] = new formSelectOption( str_repeat('  ',$categories->level-1).($categories->level-1 == 0 ? '' : '• ').html::escapeHTML($categories->cat_title), $categories->cat_id ); } } } catch (Exception $e) { } /* DISPLAY -------------------------------------------------------- */ $default_tab = 'edit-entry'; if (!$can_edit_post) { $default_tab = ''; } if (!empty($_GET['co'])) { $default_tab = 'comments'; } if ($post_id) { switch ($post_status) { case 1: $img_status = sprintf($img_status_pattern,__('Published'),'check-on.png'); break; case 0: $img_status = sprintf($img_status_pattern,__('Unpublished'),'check-off.png'); break; case -1: $img_status = sprintf($img_status_pattern,__('Scheduled'),'scheduled.png'); break; case -2: $img_status = sprintf($img_status_pattern,__('Pending'),'check-wrn.png'); break; default: $img_status = ''; } $edit_entry_str = __('“%s”'); $page_title_edit = sprintf($edit_entry_str, html::escapeHTML($post_title)).' 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'.__('Go to this entry on the site').'

'; } if ($post_id) { echo ''; } # Exit if we cannot view page if (!$can_view_page) { dcPage::helpBlock('core_post'); dcPage::close(); exit; } /* Post form if we can edit post -------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($can_edit_post) { $sidebar_items = new ArrayObject(array( 'status-box' => array( 'title' => __('Status'), 'items' => array( 'post_status' => '

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', 'post_lang' => '

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'. '

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'. '

'.($post_id && $post_format != 'xhtml' ? ''. __('Convert to XHTML').'' : '').'

')), 'metas-box' => array( 'title' => __('Ordering'), 'items' => array( 'post_selected' => '

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'. form::combo('cat_id',$categories_combo,$cat_id,'maximal'). '

'. ($core->auth->check('categories', $core->blog->id) ? '
'. '
'.__('Add a new category').'
'. '

'. '

'. '
' : ''))), 'options-box' => array( 'title' => __('Options'), 'items' => array( 'post_open_comment_tb' => '
'. '
'.__('Commentaires et rétroliens').'
'. '

'. ($core->blog->settings->system->allow_comments ? (isContributionAllowed($post_id,strtotime($post_dt),true) ? '' : '

'. __('Warning: Comments are not more accepted for this entry.').'

') : '

'. __('Comments are not accepted on this blog so far.').'

'). '

'. ($core->blog->settings->system->allow_trackbacks ? (isContributionAllowed($post_id,strtotime($post_dt),false) ? '' : '

'. __('Warning: Trackbacks are not more accepted for this entry.').'

') : '

'.__('Trackbacks are not accepted on this blog so far.').'

'). '
', 'post_password' => '

'. form::field('post_password',10,32,html::escapeHTML($post_password),'maximal'). '

', 'post_url' => '
'. '

'. form::field('post_url',10,255,html::escapeHTML($post_url),'maximal'). '

'. '

'. __('Warning: If you set the URL manually, it may conflict with another entry.'). '

' )))); $main_items = new ArrayObject(array( "post_title" => '

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'; echo '
'; // End #entry-content echo '
'; // End #entry-wrapper echo '
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'. '


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'; if ($post_id && $post->post_status == 1) { echo '

'. __('Ping blogs').'

'; } } /* Comments and trackbacks -------------------------------------------------------- */ if ($post_id) { $params = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'order' => 'comment_dt ASC'); $comments = $core->blog->getComments(array_merge($params,array('comment_trackback'=>0))); $trackbacks = $core->blog->getComments(array_merge($params,array('comment_trackback'=>1))); # Actions combo box $combo_action = array(); if ($can_edit_post && $core->auth->check('publish,contentadmin',$core->blog->id)) { $combo_action[__('Publish')] = 'publish'; $combo_action[__('Unpublish')] = 'unpublish'; $combo_action[__('Mark as pending')] = 'pending'; $combo_action[__('Mark as junk')] = 'junk'; } if ($can_edit_post && $core->auth->check('delete,contentadmin',$core->blog->id)) { $combo_action[__('Delete')] = 'delete'; } echo '
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'.__('Add a comment').'

'; if ($has_action) { echo '
'; } echo '


'; if (!$trackbacks->isEmpty()) { showComments($trackbacks,$has_action,true); } else { echo '

'.__('No trackback').'

'; } echo '


'; if (!$comments->isEmpty()) { showComments($comments,$has_action); } else { echo '

'.__('No comment').'

'; } if ($has_action) { echo '
'. '

'. '

'. form::combo('action',$combo_action). form::hidden('redir','post.php?id='.$post_id.'&co=1'). $core->formNonce(). '

'. '
'. '
'; } /* Add a comment -------------------------------------------------------- */ echo '
'. '

'.__('Add a comment').'

'. '
'. '
'. '

'. form::field('comment_author',30,255,html::escapeHTML($core->auth->getInfo('user_cn'))). '

'. '

'. form::field('comment_email',30,255,html::escapeHTML($core->auth->getInfo('user_email'))). '

'. '

'. form::field('comment_site',30,255,html::escapeHTML($core->auth->getInfo('user_url'))). '

'. '

'. form::textarea('comment_content',50,8,html::escapeHTML('')). '

'. '

'.form::hidden('post_id',$post_id). $core->formNonce(). '

'. '
'. #constrained '
'. '
'. #add comment '
'; #comments } # Controls comments or trakbacks capabilities function isContributionAllowed($id,$dt,$com=true) { global $core; if (!$id) { return true; } if ($com) { if (($core->blog->settings->system->comments_ttl == 0) || (time() - $core->blog->settings->system->comments_ttl*86400 < $dt)) { return true; } } else { if (($core->blog->settings->system->trackbacks_ttl == 0) || (time() - $core->blog->settings->system->trackbacks_ttl*86400 < $dt)) { return true; } } return false; } # Show comments or trackbacks function showComments($rs,$has_action,$tb=false) { echo ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''; while($rs->fetch()) { $comment_url = 'comment.php?id='.$rs->comment_id; $img = '%1$s'; switch ($rs->comment_status) { case 1: $img_status = sprintf($img,__('Published'),'check-on.png'); break; case 0: $img_status = sprintf($img,__('Unpublished'),'check-off.png'); break; case -1: $img_status = sprintf($img,__('Pending'),'check-wrn.png'); break; case -2: $img_status = sprintf($img,__('Junk'),'junk.png'); break; } echo ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''; } echo '
'.__('Author').''.__('Date').''.__('IP address').''.__('Status').''.__('Edit').'
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