themes = new dcThemes($core); $core->themes->loadModules($core->blog->themes_path,null); # Theme screenshot if (!empty($_GET['shot']) && $core->themes->moduleExists($_GET['shot'])) { if (empty($_GET['src'])) { $f = $core->blog->themes_path.'/'.$_GET['shot'].'/screenshot.jpg'; } else { $f = $core->blog->themes_path.'/'.$_GET['shot'].'/'.path::clean($_GET['src']); } $f = path::real($f); if (!file_exists($f)) { $f = dirname(__FILE__).'/images/noscreenshot.png'; } http::cache(array_merge(array($f),get_included_files())); header('Content-Type: '.files::getMimeType($f)); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($f)); readfile($f); exit; } $can_install = $core->auth->isSuperAdmin(); $is_writable = is_dir($core->blog->themes_path) && is_writable($core->blog->themes_path); $default_tab = 'themes-list'; # Selecting theme if (!empty($_POST['theme']) && !empty($_POST['select']) && empty($_REQUEST['conf'])) { $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('system'); $core->blog->settings->system->put('theme',$_POST['theme']); $core->blog->triggerBlog(); http::redirect('blog_theme.php?upd=1'); } if ($can_install && !empty($_POST['theme']) && !empty($_POST['remove']) && empty($_REQUEST['conf'])) { try { if ($_POST['theme'] == 'default') { throw new Exception(__('You can\'t remove default theme.')); } if (!$core->themes->moduleExists($_POST['theme'])) { throw new Exception(__('Theme does not exist.')); } $theme = $core->themes->getModules($_POST['theme']); # --BEHAVIOR-- themeBeforeDelete $core->callBehavior('themeBeforeDelete',$theme); $core->themes->deleteModule($_POST['theme']); # --BEHAVIOR-- themeAfterDelete $core->callBehavior('themeAfterDelete',$theme); http::redirect('blog_theme.php?del=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } # Theme upload if ($can_install && $is_writable && ((!empty($_POST['upload_pkg']) && !empty($_FILES['pkg_file'])) || (!empty($_POST['fetch_pkg']) && !empty($_POST['pkg_url'])))) { try { if (empty($_POST['your_pwd']) || !$core->auth->checkPassword(crypt::hmac(DC_MASTER_KEY,$_POST['your_pwd']))) { throw new Exception(__('Password verification failed')); } if (!empty($_POST['upload_pkg'])) { files::uploadStatus($_FILES['pkg_file']); $dest = $core->blog->themes_path.'/'.$_FILES['pkg_file']['name']; if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['pkg_file']['tmp_name'],$dest)) { throw new Exception(__('Unable to move uploaded file.')); } } else { $url = urldecode($_POST['pkg_url']); $dest = $core->blog->themes_path.'/'.basename($url); try { $client = netHttp::initClient($url,$path); $client->setUserAgent('Dotclear -'); $client->useGzip(false); $client->setPersistReferers(false); $client->setOutput($dest); $client->get($path); } catch( Exception $e) { throw new Exception(__('An error occurred while downloading the file.')); } unset($client); } $ret_code = dcModules::installPackage($dest,$core->themes); http::redirect('blog_theme.php?added='.$ret_code); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); $default_tab = 'add-theme'; } } $theme_conf_mode = false; if (!empty($_REQUEST['conf'])) { $theme_conf_file = path::real($core->blog->themes_path.'/'.$core->blog->settings->system->theme).'/_config.php'; if (file_exists($theme_conf_file)) { $theme_conf_mode = true; } } function display_theme_details($id,$details,$current) { global $core; $screenshot = 'images/noscreenshot.png'; if (file_exists($core->blog->themes_path.'/'.$id.'/screenshot.jpg')) { $screenshot = 'blog_theme.php?shot='.rawurlencode($id); } $radio_id = 'theme_'.html::escapeHTML($id); if (preg_match('#^http(s)?://#',$core->blog->settings->system->themes_url)) { $theme_url = http::concatURL($core->blog->settings->system->themes_url,'/'.$id); } else { $theme_url = http::concatURL($core->blog->url,$core->blog->settings->system->themes_url.'/'.$id); } $has_conf = file_exists(path::real($core->blog->themes_path.'/'.$id).'/_config.php'); $has_css = file_exists(path::real($core->blog->themes_path.'/'.$id).'/style.css'); $parent = $core->themes->moduleInfo($id,'parent'); $has_parent = (boolean)$parent; if ($has_parent) { $is_parent_present = $core->themes->moduleExists($parent); } $res = '
'. '
'. '
'. '

'.form::radio(array('theme',$radio_id),html::escapeHTML($id),$current,'','',($has_parent && !$is_parent_present)).' '. '

'. '

'.html::escapeHTML($details['desc']).' '. ''.sprintf(__('by %s'),html::escapeHTML($details['author'])).' '. ''.sprintf(__('version %s'),html::escapeHTML($details['version'])).' '; if ($has_parent) { if ($is_parent_present) { $res .= ''.sprintf(__('(built on "%s")'),html::escapeHTML($parent)).' '; } else { $res .= ''.sprintf(__('(requires "%s")'),html::escapeHTML($parent)).' '; } } if ($has_css) { $res .= ''.__('Stylesheet').''; } $res .= '

'; $res .= '
'. '
'; if ($current && $has_conf) { $res .= '

'.__('Configure theme').'

'; } if ($current) { # --BEHAVIOR-- adminCurrentThemeDetails $res .= $core->callBehavior('adminCurrentThemeDetails',$core,$id,$details); } $res .= '
'. '
'; return $res; } if (!$theme_conf_mode) { $breadcrumb = dcPage::breadcrumb( array( html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', ''.__('Blog appearance').'' => '' )); } else { $breadcrumb = dcPage::breadcrumb( array( html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', __('Blog appearance') => 'blog_theme.php', ''.__('Theme configuration').'' => '' )); } dcPage::open(__('Blog appearance'), (!$theme_conf_mode ? dcPage::jsLoad('js/_blog_theme.js') : ''). dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab). dcPage::jsColorPicker(), $breadcrumb ); if (!$theme_conf_mode) { if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) { dcPage::success(__('Theme has been successfully changed.')); } if (!empty($_GET['added'])) { dcPage::success(($_GET['added'] == 2 ? __('Theme has been successfully upgraded') : __('Theme has been successfully installed.'))); } if (!empty($_GET['del'])) { dcPage::success(__('Theme has been successfully deleted.')); } # Themes list echo '
'. '

'.__('Available themes in your installation').'

'; $themes = $core->themes->getModules(); if (isset($themes[$core->blog->settings->system->theme])) { echo '

'.sprintf(__('You are currently using %s'),$themes[$core->blog->settings->system->theme]['name']).'.

'; } echo '
'. '
'; if (isset($themes[$core->blog->settings->system->theme])) { echo display_theme_details($core->blog->settings->system->theme,$themes[$core->blog->settings->system->theme],true); } foreach ($themes as $k => $v) { if ($core->blog->settings->system->theme == $k) { // Current theme continue; } echo display_theme_details($k,$v,false); } echo '
'; echo '
'. '

'.$core->formNonce().' '; if ($can_install) { echo ' '; } echo '

'. '
'. '
'. '
'; # Add a new theme if ($can_install) { echo '
'. '

'.__('Add themes to your installation').'

'. '

'.sprintf(__('You can find additional themes for your blog on %s.'), 'Dotaddict').'

'; if ($is_writable) { echo '

'.__('You can also install themes by uploading or downloading zip files.').'

'; # 'Upload theme' form echo '
'. '

'.__('Upload a zip file').'

'. '

'. '

'. '

'. form::password(array('your_pwd','your_pwd1'),20,255).'

'. '

'. $core->formNonce().'

'. '
'; # 'Fetch theme' form echo '
'. '

'.__('Download a zip file').'

'. '

'. form::field(array('pkg_url','pkg_url'),40,255).'

'. '

'. form::password(array('your_pwd','your_pwd2'),20,255).'

'. '

'. $core->formNonce().'

'. '
'; } else { echo '

'. __('To enable this function, please give write access to your themes directory.'). '

'; } echo '
'; } } else { $theme_name = $core->themes->moduleInfo($core->blog->settings->system->theme,'name'); $core->themes->loadModuleL10Nresources($core->blog->settings->system->theme,$_lang); echo '

'.__('Back to Blog appearance').'

'; try { # Let theme configuration set their own form(s) if required $standalone_config = (boolean) $core->themes->moduleInfo($core->blog->settings->system->theme,'standalone_config'); if (!$standalone_config) echo '
'; include $theme_conf_file; if (!$standalone_config) echo '

'. $core->formNonce().'

'. '
'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo '


'; } } dcPage::close(); ?>